Sunday, January 1, 2012

My Un-famous Comeback

I want you to see me on Day 1 of my un-famous comeback. It's an "un-famous" comeback, because not many will know about it, nor will they care. I ran in a Ragnar Relay with my family in October about a month after an appendectomy. I averaged around 10 minute miles in the relay and I was a little embarrassed about how bad I did. I was given the easiest legs of the race because I was considered the weakest runner, and one of the other runners was pregnant ... so it was a wake-up call. So in 2012, the year I turn 30, I'm going to make a comeback. This blog will document my journey. Here's my picture on Day 1. You see that robust double chin? That crap has gotta go.


  1. Good for you Adam! I am trying to make a mini-comback after our 2 weeks in Hawaii. THose dang chocolate covered macadamia nuts are addictive!

    Jay too, is trying to get fit this year. I will have him follow your blog so he can get inspired by you.

    Good luck!

  2. Personal Victories are the best kind.

  3. Oh I love this kind of stuff. I am excited for you. And as you lose, I will gain...
