Saturday, February 18, 2012

Week 7

I used to eat for non-nutritional reasons. You know ... something to do when you're bored. And eating crap makes you feel like crap, which strangely makes you want to eat more crap. It's kind of like a fat cycle. What I'm experiencing now is that improvement boosts morale, and a boost in morale leads to improvement. It's a much better cycle.

But when you start out, it's hard to see improvement. That's why I'm so glad I tracked my running times because I saw improvement in the running times before I saw progress on the scale. And now I'm so glad I see progress on the scale because I don't see it in the mirror. You remember that robust double chin. I still got one of those. You see? Robust double chin:

But that robust double chin just beat his personal best for 3.5 miles by 40 seconds, and that robust double chin averages better than a 8.5 minute mile over that distance. This week, I could argue that my robust double chin was to my advantage because it was much colder and windier than last week. And my thin ... well okay, mildly thick ... layer of blubber kept me warm. But imagine what I'll be able to do on a nice day in a body that isn't 25% fat. Let's just go ahead and say it. We're looking at a Presidential Physical Fitness Award. But enough of that, I don't want to jinx it.

It's a there-and-back course that I run. And now that I'm losing weight, I'm seeing improvements on my "there" times, which as I demonstrated in week 5, have been fairly steady. On my run on Saturday, my average minute per mile pace "there" was just UNDER 8 minutes. There are a lot of people that can't even run 1 mile in under 8 minutes (I know because I was one of them 7 weeks ago). I nearly ran 2 miles at that pace. Seven weeks ago, I could barely keep a 10 minute mile pace. I've said it once and I'll say it again: The best way to improve your results, is to track them.

Week 7 - Plugging Away
Basketball Events: 1
Strength Training: 3
Running Events: 4 (3 on a treadmill)
Best Time:
  • Distance: 3.5 miles
  • Time: 29:23 *NEW PERSONAL BEST* **First time breaking 30 min!**
  • Minutes per Mile: 8:24
Weight: 270 *LOST 4 POUNDS*

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