Monday, April 2, 2012

Week 13

I'm sore. You'd think that since I've been working on this for 3 months that I wouldn't get sore, but I still do. I think the reason for this is my body is still telling me, "hey your positive life changes and weight loss progress are great and all, but you're still kinda fat and it's still requires great effort to lift your butt off the ground when your run all week."

I beat my personal best by 51 seconds, just barely missing the 8 min mile threshold by 11 seconds. I'm so close to breaking the 8 minute mile threshold I can taste it. And I've got data to prove that I like food. I was sore for my time trial on Saturday. I think I can breakthrough 8 minute miles, if I can flush my system of the lactic acid.

Week 13 - Sore muscles
Basketball events: 1
Strength training: 2
Running events: 4 (3 on treadmill)

Best Time:
  • Distance: 3.5 miles
  • Time: 28:11 *NEW PERSONAL BEST*
  • Minutes per mile: 8:03 --Now that is a respectable pace.
Weight: 252 *LOST 3 POUNDS*


  1. takes courage to do this you know...

  2. Go! Jay worked out for the first time. He demolished his knee in the first 10 minutes. He was walking and then tried to jog. He only took about 10 jogging steps and down he went. I am hoping it gets better so he can get to working like you! So inspiring!

    I worked out today and did 891 calories. That is a good work out for me. I was pretty excited.
