Monday, May 28, 2012

Week 21

My mom came to visit.  We went on a very rainy 6.1 mile run using umbrellas.  That was the first time I'd ever run that far in a long while.  I'll be running in a 10k (6.2 miles) in June, so it was good practice.  At the pace we ran I was fine and was able to finish strong.

While my mom was in town we went on a quick walk to this old homestead house in the forested park near downtown Portland. It was a cool walk, though very rainy, and the destination was awesome.  I carried Claire down the switchback and back up which was a good workout.  My softball games got rained out, which always sucks.  All in all, a pretty rainy week.  Friday didn't rain, so I got a good time trial in.  Put in my second best time, and I thought I was cooking.   But I still didn't even approach the freak sub 26 min time from a couple weeks ago, but I'm demonstrating that 7:45 per mile is a very comfortable pace for me.

Week 21 - Rained out

Basketball Events: 2
Strength Training: 0
Softball Games: 0 (rained out)
Running Events: 2

Best Time:

  • Distance: 3.5 miles
  • Time: 26:50
  • Minutes per mile: 7:40 (Not a horrible pace, but I want it at 7:30)

Weight: 247 - *LOST 1 POUND*